Documents/Checklist for filing divorce

Documents required for filing for divorce in the Indonesian Religious Courts (Muslims marriages) and District Court for those who are non-Muslim:

  • The lawsuit letter / legal brief (Surat Gugatan) for divorce (relief requested in the lawsuit letter includes order for divorce, relief for child custody and provision of support for the ex-wife and children. The divorce letter states the legal ground for the divorce. This is usually prepared by a lawyer although the spouse. It has to be in the Indonesian language.
  • Power of Attorney (if there is legal representation by an Indonesian advocate)
  • Applicant’s ID card (husband/wife),
  • Family Card (Katu Keluarga),
  • Marriage Book from KUA (For Muslims),
  • Marriage Certificate from the Civil Registry Office (For Non-Muslims),
  • Child Birth Certificate (if you have children),
  • Prepare a minimum of 2 (two) witnesses to testify to the ground for divorce

Related links – Divorce in Indonesia

Checklist for lawsuit on division of assets

This lawsuit is separate from the main divorce lawsuit. It will have to be filed if the parties cannot agree on division following divorce. Property division (of the matrimonial property/gono gini) will not be part of the order for divorce (marriage dissolution:

Checklist documents required for filing in the Indonesian Religious Courts (Muslims marriages) and District Court for those who are non-Muslim:

  • The lawsuit letter / legal brief (Surat Gugatan) for property division – this lawsuit letter identifies property that should be considered as matrimonial/joint propery and states the legal ground/legal reasoning.
  • Power of Attorney (if there is legal representation by an Indonesian advocate)
  • Applicant’s ID card (husband/wife),
  • Court order for divorce,
  • Divorce Certificate,
  • Evidence of ownership of assets obtained during the marriage
  • Child Birth Certificate (if you have children),
  • Prepare a minimum of 2 (two) witnesses to testify to ownership of matrimonial assets such as contribution to property that is subject of claim.

Related link – Division of matrimonial property

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