Divorce lawsuits are to be filed at the local district court where the couple resides.

However, this rule may not apply if one of the spouse is not residing in the same city or province.

Where the party requesting for the divorce resides in Indonesia but the husband resides abroad, the divorce lawsuit is to be filed at the district court at the location where the applicant/plaintiff resides.

Article 20 Paragraph (3) of PP No. 9 of 1975 on the Implementation of Law No. 1 of 1974 on Marriage – Article 20 paragraph (3):

” In the event that the Defendant resides abroad, the divorce suit is filed with the Court at the Plaintiff’s residence . The Chairperson of the Court conveys the application to the defendant through the local Representative of the Republic of Indonesia.”

Where both the Plaintiff and Defendant are residing abroad, the divorce lawsuit should be filed at the Central Jakarta District Court.

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