Road traffic accident in Jakarta/bali

What happen when my car collide with another car on the streets of Jakarta
Insurance for private vehicle is not mandatory in Indonesia.

In the event of an accident, the parties will need to negotiate and reach settlement on the spot whenever possible.
If you ever have to drive a vehicle in Indonesia, you should have in hand the number of a trusted vehicle mechanic to help with the negotiation.
It is rare that Minor accidents are reported to the police. The parties involved usually negotiate payment for damage to vehicles and inquiry caused to person’. .
As far as possible, a signed settlement should be reached even if the actual medical bill cannot be ascertained. Where possible, the paying party should specify the medical institution to treat the injured person.

What if personal injury happens to the other road user?
It is recommended to record the event with video and photos to avoid any after the fact exaggerated claim.
You should accompany the injured person to the hospital and insist that he or she get examined and treated immediately. It is safer to pay direct to the hospital than to reimburse later.
This minimize opportunistic profiteering when the injured person might collude with an unscrupulous doctor. The hassle of going to the hospital with the other person is worth it considering the potential subsequent fallout.
Any further compensation should be acknowledged by the local person, acknowledgement should be accompanied with a statement in Indonesian language that the payment is full and final settlement with no further claim.

An example of a settlement agreement :
Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:
The undersigned below:
Nama : M. Yuniarti
Tempat/Tgl. Lahir : Jakarta, 15 Juni 1969
Pekerjaan : Wiraswasta
Alamat : xxxx dan
Nama : M. Yuniarti
Tempat/Tgl. Lahir : Jakarta, 15 Juni 1969
Pekerjaan : Wiraswasta
Name : M. Yuniarti
Place/Date. Born : Jakarta, June 15, 69
Occupation: Entrepreneur
.( disebut Pihak ke-1 referred to as the 1st Party)
2.Nama : Adri Farhan
Tempat/Tgl. Lahir : Depok, 15 April 1980
Pekerjaan : guru
Alamat : yyy (Sebagai penabrak atas nama Ahmad fauzi disebut Pihak ke-2).

Name : Ahmad Fauzi
Place/Date. Born : Depok, 15 April 1977
Occupation: Member of the University of Indonesia Security Guard
Address :
Dengan telah terjadinya kecelakaan lalu lintas yang terjadi pada hari Rabu tanggal 19 Februari 2014 sekitar jam 08.30 WIB di Kampus Universita Indonesia Jalan Balai sidang motor Honda Vario No.Pol. B 6794 EXL yang dikendarai oleh nama M. yunus (pihak ke-1) dengan membonceng atas nama Sri Utari dan cucunya bernama Ariqah., Ditabrak Stang kemudi nya dengan sepeda motor Honda Supra No.Pol. B 5956 yang dikendarai oleh nama Ahmad Fauzi (pihak ke-2) yang mengakibatkan masing-masing korban mengalami luka-luka Khususnya si korban dari pihak ke -1 dievakuasi ke RS PKM UI Depok selanjutnya dirawatdi RS Graha Permata ibu untuk ditangani secara medisDengan kejadian tersebut di atas, Pihak ke-1 dan Pihak ke-2 telah sepakat untuk mengadakan musyawarah/kekeluargaan dengan hasil sbb.:
With a traffic accident that occurred on Wednesday, February 19 2014 at around 08.30 WIB at the University of Indonesia Campus, Balai Jalan Honda Vario motorcycle No.Pol. B 6794 EXL, driven by the name M. Yunus (1st party) by piggybacking on behalf of Sri Utari and his grandson named Ariqah., Was hit by his steering handlebar with a Honda Supra motorcycle No.Pol. B 5956 driven by the name Ahmad Fauzi (2nd party) which resulted in each victim being injured. In particular, the victim from the 1st party was evacuated to the PKM UI Hospital, Depok, and was then treated at Graha Permata Ibu Hospital to be treated medically. above, the 1st Party and the 2nd Party have agreed to hold a deliberation/family meeting with the following results:

  1. Pihak ke-1 dan Pihak ke-2 sepakat untuk tidak saling mengajukan perkaranya lebih lanjutsecara hukum sampai di Pengadilan Negeri/diselesaikan secara kekeluargaan.2.
    The 1st Party and the 2nd Party agree not to further file any lawsuit against each other at the District Court/it is resolved amicably.
  2. Untuk biaya perbaikan kendaraan sepeda motor yang rusak dari akibat kecelakaan lalu lintasditanggung masing-masing.
    For medical expenses for victims of the 1st Party will be assisted by the 2nd Party.
  3. Untuk biaya pengobatan korban Pihak ke-1 akan dibantu oleh Pihak ke-2.
    For medical expenses for victims of the 1st Party will be assisted by the 2nd Party.
  4. Kami semua menyadari bahwa kejadian tersebut adalah merupakan suatu takdir dari Allah SWT. Demikian Surat Pernyataan Bersama ini dibuat dengan sebenarnya dalam keadaan sehat jasmanidan rohani dan tanpa ada paksaan dari pihak manapun/orang lain. Dan apabila ada Pihak ke-3 yang turut campur urusan di atas dianggap tidak syah, ditutup dan ditanda tangani di Depok padahari Senin tanggal 17 februari 2014.
    We all realize that this incident is a destiny from Allah SWT. Thus this Joint Declaration Letter is actually made in a healthy state of mind and body and without any coercion from any party/other person. And if there is a 3rd Party who interferes in the above matters, it is considered illegal, closed and signed in Depok on Monday 17 February 2014.
    Yang membuat pernyataan
    Pihak ke-2
    Ahmad Fauzi
    Pihak ke-1
    M. Yunus
